Serving the Archery Community in Stierbach, Ponte Alto, Atlantia and beyond.

Master Stephan Grimm OP and Lady Gunnora have been providing a home for archers to practice, work on A&S projects, and gather since 2011. 

All photography provided by Master Stephan Grimm unless noted.

Upcoming Events

Grimmsfield Activities and Times:


Archery Range

The range is open from the first Monday following the beginning of daylight savings ( the Monday following the 2nd Sunday in March) till the Monday before the end of daylight savings (the Monday before the first Sunday in November). Archery will start at 5:00pm and go till dusk. Most of us will then retire to a local restaurant for dinner.

A&S Nights

Arts & Sciences (crafting) will begin on the first Monday after daylight savings (the Monday after the first Sunday in November) and will go to the last Monday before Daylight savings (the Monday before the 2nd Sunday in March). It will begin at 6:00pm and go until 9:00, with dinner being ordered from one of several delivery restaurants in the area. 


Winter Archery

Stierbach/Ponte Alto winter archery typically begins with the end of daylight savings (the Friday before the first Sunday in November) and go till the beginning of  daylight savings (the Friday before the 2nd Sunday in March).

We’re working on a new location for the winter practice.


The Range

Find out about our range,
our practices, our A&S, and what we offer.


The Household

Grimmsfield is not only an archery range, but also a household with a wide range of interests and hobbies