If you can't find it, make it....

During the winter months visitors to Grimmsfield can be found in the Arts & Sciences (A&S) space at Grimmsfield. This space is open to all from 5-10pm on Mondays through the winter. Arrangements can be made to use the space at other times as well.

At any time you can find people working on new arrows for the spring or repairing old arrows. All supplies for arrow making can be found at Grimmsfield and are passed on to the public at cost. 

Others will be working on various leather projects including (but not limited to) armguards, pouches, and quivers. All supplies can be found at Grimmsfield for you to get started on leatherworking.

Sewing and garbmaking are also a staple at Grimmsfield. With several sewing machines and a serger, we are prepared for any project.

Spinning, weaving, jewelry work, casting, silk banner painting, bowstring making, scribal arts, and Kumihimo have all been practiced at one time or another. 

Some just come to socialize, which is fine as well. If you have a craft that is not listed, bring it along if you would like to just hang out.