Coal Tongs


Great jumping Jehoshaphat! Another post already? Yes, Yes indeed!. Got some quality time in the forge today. Decided to work on making coal tongs. I have found several examples of tongs that are in period, but the other day i came across a pair of tongs that i really wanted to try making. I have yet to find this type of action in period, but it is close. I have not given up looking, but for now. They are what they are. These will go in the kit for the Pennsic cook table. It all started at the Norva archery range, where they had a pair of fireplace tongs that I fell in love with. Not the use of them, but the design and the blacksmithing aspect. Here are the photos that I took for reference:

From these pictures came the design work plus notes added as I went along:

And then came the forging. In an attempt to keep it simple, I elected to drill the holes and use commercial rivets. Here is the process, with notes as I went along:

I am not sure how well the original tongs worked 1 handed, but these are definitely 2 handed tongs. However, they do do as good job picking up single pieces of coal (or charcoal). There are a few modifications I would make if i ever attempted to make these again. But all in all I am please with how they came out.

Plus I mase an “S” hook (WOOT!!!!):